Luca Cafasso Virtual And Graphic Design Portfolio
In order to complete my Bachelor Degree I had to do an Intership to complete my university Credits.
Luckily in Torino I had found an awesome team, that like me, was trying at the time to enter in the videogame industry with a challenging start up.
In this project i covered the following roles:
- Graphic Deisgner for the Uniforms system
- 3D rendering trailers
- Community manager
- User centered researches
Soccer Square now is on browser but it has born on Facebook.

These was a picture that I realized to show the community a preview of the uniforms system that I was responsible for.

Winning Championship and investing well your money the player can get to have a competitive citadel of the sport.

Designing and making of uniforms system for a social managerial game
Sport square S.r.l. Internship

This was the first post of the new graphics. The community react really well and it was a tremendous satisfaction.

In this picture you can see the system implemented.

In this post you can see the uniform showing on the player panel according to the customization made by the user